Coalwatch Sounds Alarm Over New Player in Vancouver Island Coal Rush
In the past week, CoalWatch Comox Valley Society has uncovered 17 new coal license applications that have been filed for tenures in the Comox Valley area and Nanaimo area. These coal license applications were filed with the Ministry of Energy and Mines, on June 25, 2014 and June 26, 2014 by Skyland Resources Group Inc. out of Richmond, BC.
Skyland Resources Group Inc. has filed 2 coal license applications in the Anderson Lake area north of the Comox Lake, 8 applications in the Union Bay to Deep Bay area, and 7 additional applications in the Nanaimo area. The total area covered in the Skyland Resources Group applications is 21,150 hectares.
“ It’s disappointing to see these new coal license applications in the Comox Valley and Nanaimo area, and especially the 2 applications in the Anderson Lake area, within the sensitive Tsolum River watershed,” said CoalWatch president John Snyder.
“ As usual, there’s been no public notice on these coal license applications, other than being listed on an obscure government website. These applications in the Comox Valley and Nanaimo area are the first stage in any coal mine exploration or development, and there needs to be more transparency and public notice when these are filed,” added Snyder.
“ With this Coal Rush scenario continuing in the Comox Valley, and now including the Nanaimo area, to say we have to be vigilant going forward is an understatement,” said Snyder. “CoalWatch intends to monitor the review process on these new coal license applications, and we’ll notify the public when more details become available.”
For more information and maps of the coal license application tenures