Drilling permits on the Oyster River, BC

CoalWatch News, June 10, 2014

In January of 2014, the Ministry of Energy and Mines awarded coal tenure to Hillsborough Resources for 2287 hectares in two claims on Woodhus Creek and the Oyster River. This was despite a request from the Comox Valley Regional District that the tenures not be approved. The claims are immediately to the southeast of Hillsborough’s Quinsam Mine.

In May, Hillsborough applied for permits to drill five exploration holes in the area. On June 10, the Committee of the Whole for the Comox Valley Regional District will review the application, and the staff report.

The CVRD is concerned about environmental and human health and safety, especially with respect to water, and its letter to the Ministry regarding the proposed drilling, echoes these concerns which it made when the tenure applications were originally referred to the CVRD in May of 2013.

Also, Golden River Resource Inc. has applications on file from 2013 for claims adjoining Compliance Coal Corp.’s Anderson Lake tenures, and for claims adjoining Hillsborough’s Woodhus Creek tenures. In May of 2014, Golden River applied for 2250 ha in two more claims near Woodhus Creek.


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