When you coat a shell with it, it slices through armoured plating as if it was cheese, turning tanks, buildings and bomb shelters into exploding incinerators.
It causes cancer among people who breathe its dust, or touch it. It causes horrible birth defects among the babies of pregnant women who breathe it or touch it. It causes a host of chronic ailments and sicknesses among returning troops.
It was used by the US army in Iraq, in Kosovo, in Afghanistan. The United Nations wants a worldwide ban on it. Now the US is using it again, in its new assault on Iraq.
What is it? It's a waste product that arises during the production of enriched uranium for nuclear weapons and reactors. It's made in Canada. It's called depleted uranium (DU).
It has a radioactive half-life of 4.5 billion years. The Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
This means that the cities, battlefields, and locations where depleted uranium is used will be radioactive and remain radioactive for the next 4.5 billion years.
That's as long as the Earth has existed. That's twice as long as the entire evolution of life on Earth. Seventy times longer than the time since the dinosaurs became extinct.
Depleted uranium is extremely dense; that's what makes it capable of slicing into heavily armoured vehicles. That's why the American military likes it.
In the Gulf War, in 1991, the US army fired off a million rounds of depleted uranium, totalling 300 tons. In Baghdad, where they thought they were attacking a secret bunker, they sliced into it with depleted uranium and incinerated 400 women and children who were hiding in a shelter. Along the "highway of death," outside Basra, in southern Iraq, they incinerated every tank, every soldier.
Along that road, the shell-holes in the blown-up tanks are 1000 times more radioactive than the background. The desert near the vehicles is 100 times more radioactive.
Seventy percent of the uranium burns on impact, turning into a fine ceramic dust of depleted uranium oxide particles which gets blown on the wind, and washed into the groundwater. In the Basra region, there has been a 100-fold increase in uranium in the groundwater.
And then there's the birth defects.
Children born whose bodies are beyond words, in their pitiful awfulness.
There has been a 10-fold increase in such birth defects in the Basra region since 1988. I have seen the photos of these children. You can see them for yourself at
www.web-light.nl/VISIE/extremedeformities.html. They are also at www.ngwrc.org/Dulink/du_link.htm. But be warned – these photos are not for the squeamish, and may give some people nightmares.
There has also been a 17-fold increase in cancer in southern Iraq since 1988, and a sudden increase in childhood leukemia.
That was Iraq. Then there was Afghanistan.
The data is still sketchy, but tests on residents in Jalalabad have found a level of uranium in the urine of residents that is 400% to 2000% higher than normal. The contamination is also present in Kabul.
A scientific team from the Uranium Medical Research Centre that went to Kabul in September 2002 found that people who had been exposed to debris from the US/British precision bombing were reporting pains in their joints, back and kidney pain, muscle weakness, memory problems, confusion, and disorientation. Members of the team began to complain of the same symptoms. They found that 25% of new-born infants were suffering from congenital and post-natal health problems that appeared to be associated with uranium contamination.
So what happened to the US and British troops who were exposed to the same dust?
It's hard to sort out, because the troops who served in the Gulf were exposed to a cocktail of injections and chemical and biological hazards, as well as depleted uranium. But the symptoms are telling.
There were 700,000 US troops who served in the Gulf War in 1991.
50% were black or Latino. Many were women.
260,000 have applied for medical benefits.
159,000 have been awarded disability allowances.
Many are probably on low incomes, who cannot afford expensive medical insurance.
They call it Gulf War Syndrome; nobody in the military wants to talk about it. The returning troops are suffering from reactive airway disease; neurological damage; cataracts; kidney problems; lymphoma; skin and organ cancer; neuropsychological problems; uranium in their semen; sexual dysfunction; and birth defects in their offspring. Birth defects are turning up four times more often than normal in the children of those who served in the Gulf (see www.chronicillnet.org/online/lifemag.html)
There's a lot of dispute about the supposed harmfulness of depleted uranium. The US and Canadian militaries insist that their research shows no indication that DU does any harm. In February 2000, the Canadian military tested 69 Gulf War veterans at government approved labs, and found their levels of DU to be so low that further testing was deemed "unnecessary."
Dr. Asaf Durakovic, on the other hand, is a nuclear physicist and specialist in internal medicine who heads up the Uranium Medical Research Centre, a Canadian organization which tests Gulf War veterans. During the Gulf War, Durakovic was a commanding officer of the 531st Medical Detachment that was assigned to Iraq, and head of the department of nuclear medicine at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Wilmington, Delaware. Dr. Durakovic's research shows a high concentration of DU in the urine of 64% of the veterans from Canada, Britain and the US who came to him complaining of Gulf War disease. Dr Durakovic suggests that the labs used in the Canadian study did not employ the proper methodology and equipment to quantify inhalational exposure to DU, and that the veterans should be re-tested in independent laboratories.
The US military also ran a DU testing program – but they only tested shrapnel victims; they did not test for inhalational exposure. A WHO study, which suggested no harmful effects, did not carry out any tests on humans at all. One thing is clear – there is a huge paucity of research into this critical issue.
And now we are witnessing a new war on Iraq. A new round of death. A new nightmare.
Unless we stand together, work together, pray together, and call out together to stop it, and to outlaw depleted uranium forever, as the United Nations has recommended.
Four and a half billion years.
* Sources:
- Afghanistan: The Nuclear Nightmare Starts: www.truthout.org/docs_02/011103E.dpltd.urnim.htm
- Born Soldiers: Birth Defects from Depleted Uranium in the Gulf? www.chronicillnet.org/online/lifemag.html
- International Action Center's Depleted Uranium Education Project: www.iacenter.org
- "Iraqi cancers, birth defects blamed on U.S. depleted uranium," Seattle Post Intelligencer: seattlepi.nwsource.com/iraq2002/95178_du12.shtml
- National Gulf War Resource Center: www.ngwrc.org/Dulink/du_link.htm
- "It's Time for Answers," Globe & Mail, Sept 12th 2000: www.commondreams.org/headlines/091200-02.htm
- Uranium Medical Research Centre: www.umrc.net/umrcResearch.asp
- Depleted Uranium: Facts and Fiction: www.umrc.net/factsAndFictions.asp
[From WS April/May 2003]