Backing the Right Wing War in Ukraine



“….There is an atmosphere of intellectual intimidation prevailing in Canada whereby criticism of the war and of NATO is said to amount to uncritical support of the Russian government (or what they call “Putin’s regime”). As a consequence, some alternative media is silent. Academia and antiwar groups are largely quiescent. In Quebec, the radical publication Presse-toi à gauche routinely publishes the ‘blame Russia’ outlook, describing the people of eastern Ukraine as hapless victims of Russian aggression to be pitied. In 2003, the advocates of war against Iraq did not get very far with accusations against antiwar forces of “appeasing” Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein. Today, a parallel argument against Russia has been effective in quieting voices that would otherwise be expected to be critical.

“The NATO confrontation with Russia is a reckless and dangerous course that is corroding politics in Canada….”

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