As I listen to yet more Port Metro Vancouver and the provincial Liberal’s propaganda about the need for expanding the Gateway Pacific, the more disgusted I get.
One of the biggest lies coming from Christy Clark’s government is the need to remove and replace the Massey tunnel.
Their plan to put up a 10 lane bridge for the sole purpose of relieving traffic congestion is not supported by Metro Vancouver or even Delta residents. No one has seen the plans or what the bridge will really cost.
Of course Delta Mayor Lois Jackson and her Liberal friendly DIVA council members, have yet to meet a provincial Liberal plan they don’t support. So, of course they line up and nod their heads in approval like so many bobble heads.
In fact this huge unnecessary tunnel replacement is actually all about PMV wanting to bring huge container and coal ships up the Fraser River. But wait, there’s more.
It won’t come as a surprise to anyone I’m sure, that the Kinder Morgan pipeline will not end at the Burrard Inlet. Just too much blow back from Vancouver and Burnaby who will do everything they can to prevent all those tankers plying those waters.
Instead, Kinder Morgan will use the Surrey Dock infrastructure and send its oil there. One huge impediment to all these plans is the Massey Tunnel. Thus, we see this urgent need to get this bridge built and the tunnel removed. It will also require that the mouth of the Fraser will need to be dredged. Disturbing and destroying a River Delta that is vitally important to Salmon and the health of the River.
It’s worthwhile noting that recently Delta Mayor Jackson and CAO George Harvie, very quietly, took a fact finding trip to Norway to learn about pipelines and ports. They said there are no plans to have a pipeline in Delta, they just wanted to learn about them. At taxpayers’ expense of course.
Of course if you believe that, then I have a bridge to sell you. Oops sorry, Mayor Jackson has already bought it.
Will taxpayers be told the truth? Will Port Metro Vancouver or Kinder Morgan, who will benefit hugely by the tunnel removal, pony up and pay a good portion of the multi-billion dollar cost? I’d say No.
Instead it will be taxpayers, pure and simple. Tolls will simply not cut the mustard and they know it.
Debbie McBride is a researcher/writer/blogger/community activist, who is a long time resident of South Delta. Her main focus is exposing questionable government and corporate actions, especially as how they relate to the environment.