4,000 Year Old Musqueam Burial Site Endangered for Parking Lot!


What if you found out that the burial site for your ancestors was going to be dug up to make an underground parking lot for multi-million dollar condos?

Right now, the Musqueam First Nations people of Vancouver are battling against a major condo development on a their traditional land. The complex would destroy a 4,000-year-old village and cemetery – a Canadian National Heritage site containing one of the oldest archaeological finds on the Pacific Coast of Canada.

For over 150 years, it’s been common knowledge that this land is home to an ancient village and burial ground with countless priceless cultural artifacts. That’s why local business has never been allowed to dig here before. But Century Group managed to get approval, and immediately uncovered human remains and dug up partial remains and artifacts. They didn’t even inform the Musqueam — one of the Musqueam’s own archeologists discovered the remains two months later. In May, they dug up more remains still — this time infant remains.

The Musqueam and Century Group began negotiations last week. To honour National Aboriginal Day today, let’s send a strong message now to stop Century Group from paving over thousands of years of sacred history before it’s too late.

Sign the petition now to Century Group to stop its condo development immediately. We will deliver the petition directly to Century Group’s offices.


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