Changing the Climate with the Seeds We Sow

Changing the Climate with the Seeds we Sow
Softcover | $20 CAD
Author: Jason, Dan
Publisher: Watershed Sentinel Books, Comox, Canada
Year Published: 2020 (expanded 2nd edition)
Pages: 80 pp
ISBN: 978-0-9953286-4-8

In all the talk about climate change, rarely mentioned is the huge part played by agriculture. Now more than ever, we need to build community-level capacity to grow nutritious food in a climate-friendly way.

In this inspiring and visually beautiful volume, seed expert Dan Jason profiles twenty-one nutritious, energizing, time-tested, earth-friendly and beautiful plants to enhance home- and community-scale agriculture, and challenge a chemical-industrial farming system reliant on fossil fuel inputs. These often-overlooked, easy-to-grow, and soil-enhancing plants are small powerhouses with huge potential to add nutrient value to home food gardens and help to create secure local food systems.

The first self-published edition of Changing the Climate with the Seeds we Sow sold out in just 5 months – this expanded second edition features additional beautiful watercolour illustrations by award-winning artist Lyn Alice.

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Changing the Climate with the Seeds We Sow is a concise and inspiring aid to honing our food choices to support health in ourselves, our communities and the environment. It would be an ideal gift for an adventurous and ecologically mindful home gardener and anyone keen to make wise food choices.” —”Helen Chesnut’s Garden Notes: Food-plant guide a great gift,” Vancouver Courier

See Dan Jason’s recent article in the Watershed Sentinel, “Cool beans: a superstar of food security, climate resiliency, and community”